Package myx

Easy to use wrapper around the MYX's platform APIs.

Make a client that will authenticate you with the API with the supplied credentials.

from myx import Client

client = Client("", "your.password")

You can use this client to operate on your twins:

List All Twins

for twin in client.get_twins():

Make A New Twin From Drone Images

client.upload_dir("my-drone-images/", show_status=True)
client.finish_upload("Made with MYX's API")

Download A File From Twin

report = client.get_file(, 'report.pdf')
if report is None:
    print("report.pdf not created yet. Try again later")
Expand source code
Easy to use wrapper around the MYX's platform APIs.

Make a client that will authenticate you with the API with the supplied
from myx import Client

client = Client("", "your.password")

You can use this client to operate on your twins:

List all twins

for twin in client.get_twins():

Make a new twin from drone images
client.upload_dir("my-drone-images/", show_status=True)
client.finish_upload("Made with MYX's API")

Download a file from twin
report = client.get_file(, 'report.pdf')
if report is None:
    print("report.pdf not created yet. Try again later")

from myx.client import Client

